Rebids: defending and retaining your contracts


Will your customer definitely extend your contract? Are you confident that you'll be re-awarded the contract at the end of its term?

From Contract Start, you have the best opportunity, better than any of your competitors, to get to know your customer:  you will have unparalleled opportunity as your customer's chosen supplier to understand your customer's needs, wants and organisational drivers, and to develop your service accordingly.  

Similarly, the customer will have every opportunity to experience the reality of your service provision: is it what your original bid promised? Are you indeed their 'dream' supplier, or are there any factors that may be giving them second thoughts?

Our directors and associates have extensive operational management experience across a range of business sectors. In working with you, we will apply this experience to identify opportunities within your contract management strategy that will take you where you need to be to win again at rebid.  We will help you implement strategies that get you closer to your customer, so that by the time you bid to retain your contract, you will have the credibility and evidence to reinforce your bid as the most trusted, ‘must have’ supplier.

The process of retaining your contract at the next re-bid starts whilst you are the incumbent. We can help you establish yourself as the supplier of choice when your contract comes up for rebid.

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about a specific contract that you are seeking to retain and how we can help you do this, please contact us.

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”
Steve Jobs

Quick Links:

Home:      Introduction & Objectives
Bid & tender support:       Pre-bid support      |     Bid writing      |     Bid management      |     Response review      |     Bid advisory services      |     Improving your win rate      |     Rebids: retaining your contracts
Bid training:      Training & workshops
Testimonials:      What our clients say
About us:      Who we are     |    Why choose Gimlet Associates?
FAQs:      Frequently asked questions
Contact:      Tel: 07795 451429     |     Email us